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The Witches Ladder Page 15
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Page 15
“Why wouldn't it be? Was there a card?” Ben asked.
“No. No card. It was delivered to the pharmacy,” Charlie said.
Ben stopped and stared at her, shaking his head. “Why does that mean anything?”
“Duguid's pharmacy? Kristin's the pharmacist and Debra is the office manager. It's a family business. Martin Duguid was a pharmacist before he became mayor. Maybe the flowers weren't for Debra. Maybe they were for Kristin.”
“Who is Kristin again?”
“She is Debra Duguid's daughter. She's also dating, if you want to call it that, Josh Helms. Melinda Helms soon to be ex-husband.”
“Are you telling me this is about an affair?”
“Maybe. I'm thinking that Layla didn't tell us the truth. Maybe she did make a second curse. Maybe she saw her aunt in pain and wanted to do something for her,” Charlie said.
“So she sent flowers to her uncle's mistress along with a cursed piece of jewelry. That is a very interesting theory.” A grin stretched Ben's lips. “Sounds like we need to talk to Layla again.”
“Actually, I think we should talk to Josh,” Charlie said.
“Why?” Ben asked.
“Because he knows Melinda and Layla and has no reason to lie to us,” Charlie said.
Ben nodded. “Okay. Let's go talk to Josh.”
Chapter 18
Charlie found Jen fussing over the food. She watched a moment as her cousin added more paper plates and plastic forks to the end of the serving table.
“Why are you doing this?” Charlie asked as she approached her cousin. “You do not always have to be the one who takes care of the food.”
Jen looked up at her and frowned. “I like taking care the food. I'm good at it. And it makes me feel helpful. How are you? How's your head?”
“Head hurts but I'm good,” Charlie said before lowering her voice. “I talked to Debra. She's moved on and she gave me a lead.”
Jen leaned in and whispered, “What kind of lead?”
“I found out what happened the day she died. She handled a bracelet that I think was cursed,” Charlie said softly. “Feels like I haven't talked to you in a million years. Did I tell you about Layla Blake?”
“No. Who's Layla Blake?”
“Melinda Helms' niece and she's a witch.” Charlie mouthed the last word.
“What?” Jen said. “Are you sure?”
“Yep. She admitted to cursing Tony Smoak. Ben had to put her on some sort of probation with the DOL,” Charlie said under her breath. “I don't think though that she stopped with one curse.”
“You think she cursed Debra on purpose?” Jen asked.
Charlie shrugged her shoulder. “Melinda's her aunt. I think it was actually meant for Kristin.”
“And Debra got to the bracelet before Kristin did.” Jen gasped and covered her mouth. “And it killed her.”
“Yep.” Charlie glanced around the crowded living room of the mayor's house. “Where's Lisa?”
“Oh, she got irritated and went back to work. And Daphne had to go, too. She had customers. I was hoping I could get a ride with you.”
“Of course,” Charlie said. “I'll drop you off. We're gonna talk to Josh and then probably head over to Melinda's to talk to Layla again.”
Jen nodded and scrunched up her face. “Can I throw something out there?”
“What?” Charlie asked.
“This is probably going to sound crazy,” Jen began. “But what if it wasn't Layla?”
“Who would it be then?”
“What if it was Melinda?” Jen said.
“I . . . well . . .” Charlie thought about what her cousin was saying, trying to reconcile it with what she knew. “I guess it's possible, but wouldn't we know if she was a witch?”
“No, not necessarily. There are lots of witches who are in the broom closet,” Jen said.
“I mean Melinda is just so . . . normal,” Charlie said.
“Or . . . she wants us to think she's normal. You have to admit, up till recently, she's led a pretty charmed life. Too charmed, if you get my drift.” Jen's eyebrows went up.
“Yeah, but . . .” Charlie twisted her lips. “It wouldn't have occurred to me, that she was a witch.”
“Oh it's occurred to me that's she a witch,” Jen said wryly. “Whether she can perform a spell or not remains to be seen. But you know, now that I think about it, it wouldn't surprise me at all.”
Jen stiffened and cleared her throat. Charlie glanced over her shoulder and saw Ben approaching them.
“I found Josh,” Ben said. “He's out back near the pool talking to Melinda.”
“Are you kidding me?” Charlie said.
“Nope,” Ben said. “Come on.”
Charlie and Jen followed him through the crowd. A pair of French doors opened up to the back deck from the living room. It looked out over the kidney-shaped swimming pool and beyond back to the marsh and the Kiawah River. Charlie took a spot next to the deck railing so she could get a good view of Josh and Melinda Helms arguing on the side of pool. Ben positioned himself in front of Charlie and Jen pushed close to Charlie's shoulder.
“What are you doing?” Charlie asked.
“What? This is better than when we used to watch soap operas in high school. I mean you can almost imagine what they're arguing about, right? Wouldn't you like to be a dragonfly sitting on one of those chaises?”
Ben shook his head. “Not really.”
Jen bristled. Charlie pressed her elbow up against Jen's arm in solidarity.
“Let's just pretend that we're all talking and not watching them okay?” Charlie said.
“Holy moly,” Jen said under her breath. “Are you seeing this?”
Charlie glanced across the pool to see Melinda take Josh's hand and press it against her left breast over her heart. Josh's face went blank and Melinda's lips continued to move. “Is she--?”
“That's what it looks like,” Jen said.
“Do you do this all the time?” Ben asked.
“What?” Jen said curtly.
“Talk in code,” Ben said, sounding irritated.
“Yes,” Charlie said flatly. She lowered her voice. “Now if you would pay attention, you would see that Melinda is casting a spell over him.”
Ben turned his head and narrowed his eyes. “Looks like she's trying to influence him. Maybe a love spell?”
Josh blinked his eyes and shook his head. He tried to jerk his hand away and Melinda held onto it. At first it just seemed like a desperate move to Charlie. Until Melinda got angry and yanked his hand down and bent his fingers back. Josh jerked his hand back, his face a mask of pain. Melinda glanced around quickly to see who was looking at her and then took him by the tie and pulled his face down close to her ears. She uttered a few words and planted a kiss on his lips. Then let him go.
“You are crazy!” Josh said cradling his hand to his chest. “I cannot wait until this year is over and I can divorce you,” he yelled as he stormed away. A soft murmur traveled across the different groups of people, all watching. Melinda scowled, her face red with embarrassment. She folded her arms and walked away.
“Holy crap,” Jen said. “We can have her own soap opera. When the tide turns.”
“You are mean, Jen Holloway.” Charlie scolded.
“Not as mean as she is. I think she broke his fingers. Look.” Jen jerked a thumb towards Kristin hovering over Josh's hand.
“I think she did more than that,” Ben said. A deep line formed between his brows and he started toward the couple. Josh suddenly became very pale and he held his injured hand against his stomach and doubled over.
“Josh?” Kristin said, sounding panicked. He fell to his knees and began to heave. Blood splattered his lips and he fell to the ground shaking, holding his stomach. “Oh my God. Someone call 911. Josh? Baby can you hear me?” Kirsten bent over him, tears streamed down her face.
Ben knelt next to Josh. “What happened?”
“I don't know. His wife brok
e his finger I think and then he started complaining about his stomach hurting. He was treated for an ulcer last year, but he's been on medication and he's been fine,” Kristin blurted out in a rush.
“Stomach or duodenal?”
“Stomach,” Kristin said. “Are you a doctor?”
“Something like that,” Ben said. He turned Josh onto his back. He glanced up searching the crowd. “Charlie, I need your help.”
Charlie pushed through the circle of people that had moved in around Josh and Kristin. She knelt next to Ben. He leaned in close and whispered, “I just need you to focus on sending healing energy to him. Specifically, to his stomach.”
“What are you going to do?” Charlie whispered. “This is too open for people to see.”
“Don't worry about that. He could bleed out if we don't do something.” Ben spoke softly, his eyes locking on hers. “You want that on your hands? Because I don't.”
“All right,” Charlie said. “I'll do my best but Jen's more experienced at this sort of thing than I am.” Charlie peered into the faces of the onlookers but didn't find her cousin among them.
“Come on,” Ben said. “We're wasting time.”
Ben placed his hand over Josh's upper belly. “Put your hands around mine, and focus.”
Charlie did as she was told. She closed her eyes and listened as Ben began to chant something in Latin. It was unlike any spell she had ever heard. The warmth where her thumbs touched his pinkies grew to an almost unbearable heat but she couldn't pull away. Instead she focused on Ben's voice and its steady rhythm.
Josh began to moan and Charlie almost jerked her hands away out of fear they were making him worse. But something about Ben's voice kept her hands in place. A moment later Josh stopped moaning and began to breathe easier. Ben sat back on his heels and took his hands away and Charlie followed his lead. “The worst is over for now, Josh. You still need to get checked out though.”
“Josh. Are you all right sweetie?” Kristin asked stroking Josh's face.
“The pain's gone. I don't know what you did but thank you,” Josh said. Kristin helped him sit up then threw her arms around him and hugged him tight, crying.
“No problem,” Ben said. He rose to his feet and pushed through the circle of people. Charlie jumped and went after him.
“You just exposed us all,” Charlie said.
“What I did was save his life. And thank you by the way. I don't think I could've done it without your energy.” Ben threw a glance over his shoulder at the crowd around Josh and Kristin. “I wouldn't worry about it. They're not gonna remember it. It will all be a blur. They'll know something happened, they just won't remember the details.”
“What was that spell you were chanting?” Charlie said. “I don't think I've ever seen anything like that.”
“Well unless you study to be a healer you wouldn't have,” he said.
Charlie touched his arm, stopping him in his tracks and stared at him. “I guess you're not as much of a tough guy as I thought you were.”
He chuckled. “That's what you think of me? Well I guess I'm sorry to disappoint you.”
“Not disappointed exactly. I guess I misjudged you. I'm sorry for that.”
“Is that why Jen won't even look at me now without freezing me out?”
“Yeah,” Charlie said. “That's my fault.”
“Just for the record, I really do like her. I didn't ask her out because I was trying to get information,” Ben said.
“Fair enough,” Charlie said. “My cousins are the closest thing I have to sisters. I'm glad that you like her and if she likes you, too. I will say that if you hurt her I will hunt you down and skin you alive.”
“You use that kind of magic and you'd probably end up in front of the tribunal for murder,” Ben said.
“Who said I would use magic? I would do it the old-fashioned way. And trust me, nobody would ever find your body,” Charlie said with a wicked gleam in her eye.
Ben let out a nervous laugh. “Point taken. Come on let's go find Jen and go hunt down Melinda.”
A few minutes later the EMTs arrived and carted Josh Helms away in the back of an ambulance.
Once the hubbub had cleared, Charlie and Ben began to look around for her cousin. They walked through the entire first floor of the mayor's house without finding Jen. As Charlie circled back around she asked several different bystanders if they had seen Jen Holloway, but every one of them just shook their head no. She didn't start to panic until Ben met her in the middle of the living room with a worried look on his face.
“I didn't find her,” Charlie said.
“There was a couple out on the front porch who said they saw Jen and Melinda get in her SUV and drive away,” Ben said.
“Why would Jen go with Melinda?” Charlie asked.
“I don't know. The guy I was talking to said they looked like they were arguing,” Ben said.
“That can't be good.”
“No, I agree.” Ben said. “My question is, did Jen go willingly or did Melinda somehow influence her?”
“Oh stars,” Charlie said, panic squeezing her heart. “We need to find her. We need to find her now.”
Chapter 19
Jen awoke with a headache and a stiff neck. She tried to move but found her arms tied behind her back and her feet tied to the legs of one of Melinda Helms's kitchen chairs. She glanced around the overly neat kitchen that looked like it belonged in a House and Gardens magazine. Under different circumstances she would've wanted to run her hands over the Italian marble counters and try her hand at baking some marvelous confection in one of the double ovens. Or maybe a simple sauté on the six-burner stove.
“Wakey, wakey,” Melinda said as she entered the kitchen.
“How did I get here?” Jen asked. She struggled against the ropes binding her arms and legs.
“Well, you said that you wanted to discuss a few things with me. Don't you remember?” Melinda said in a condescending tone.
Dizziness spun through Jen's head. “What did you do to me?”
“Just a little spell to subdue you and make you do what I want,” Melinda said.
Jen fought to keep her head up right. She could feel Melinda's words boring into her brain like tentacles. “How long have you been a witch, Melinda?”
“All my life?” Melinda said shrugging. “I knew I was different when I was six years old. A lot like your Ruby. And my Grammy was a wonderful teacher. Unfortunately, she outlived her usefulness. Just like my parents and my sister.”
Jen froze, unable to look away. “Sweet goddess, are you telling me you killed them all?”
“No. Of course not.” Melinda frowned and shook her head. “Every single one of them died from a tragic accident or an unexpected illness.”
“Is that what you're planning to do to me? You're gonna curse me, too?”
“No.” Melinda exaggerated the word. “Of course not.” She walked over to Jen and swept her bangs off her forehead. “You do what you're supposed to do and it won't come to that.”
“I think I'll pass,” Jen said.
Melinda laughed but there was no humor in it. “Oh Jen. Jen. Jen. Jen. Do you know what my specialty is?”
Jen shook her head now.
“Ever since I was a small child, I have always been able to get people to see things my way and to believe the things that I want them to believe.” Melinda pulled a chair from the kitchen table and set it down in front of Jen.
Jen settled her gaze on Melinda's face as her captor spoke. “You know, when we were in high school I was always jealous of you.”
“Me? Why?” Jen said incredulous.
“Because you didn't have to use magic to get people to like you. They just did.
“Melinda . . ..”
“Even now, all these years later people still really just like you. I mean, you're a respected business owner and a dutiful member of the community. After all this nonsense with Josh and Kristin is over and people have long forgotten about De
bra Duguid and how she died, you and I are going to be best friends. You're going to make sure that people know what a wonderful person I am.”
Melinda's eyes seemed to burrow into Jen's. “You're also going to get that friend of yours Ben to break that monitoring spell that he put on Layla.”
“Are you kidding me?” Jen said. “Do you know how nuts you sound?”
“I'd be careful who you call nuts,” Melinda warned.
“You are never going to get away with this. None of my family would believe me if I said 'oh Melinda Helms is my best friend and bosom buddy.' They would absolutely believe I was under some sort of spell,” Jen said.
“Well then you will just have to work hard to convince them,” Melinda said. “I think it will become your life's mission actually.”
“You're gonna have to kill me first because that ain't happening,” Jen insisted.
“You really shouldn't joke about such things,” Melinda said.
“Aunt Melinda?” Layla said from the kitchen doorway. The girl wore a worried expression. “Is everything all right?”
“Everything is just fine. Why don't you go check on Camille? Make sure she stays up in her room, and then come down and help me with this spell. All right?”
“Aunt Melinda,” Layla said her voice full of caution. “What if that man comes back. The one from the Defenders of Light? I mean they're monitoring me.”
“Don't you worry about that,” Melinda said. “My good friend Jen Holloway here is going to help us take care of that. Aren't you Jen?”
“Not a chance in hell,” Jen said.
“Don't worry, you'll change your mind,” Melinda said, patting Jen on the shoulder. She flashed an angry look at her niece. “Go on now. I said go check on Camille and get back down here.”
Layla turned quickly and disappeared from the doorway.
The doorbell rang. Melinda shot a glance down the hall and scowled. “I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere.”
As soon as Melinda left the kitchen Jen began to rock her chair backward and forward. She was almost up on her feet, but she didn't account for the heaviness of the chair and she overbalanced, falling forward. The chair fell onto its side carrying her with it. She banged her head on the floor and a dizziness swirled through her head. She squeezed her eyes shut until it passed and was able to get a better view of the rest of the kitchen. Melinda had tied her up in the dining nook. She had pulled the shades of the side windows, but Jen could see a French door leading to the back deck and yard. She saw his form peering into the windows of the back door and her heart soared at the sight of him. Through the glass she could see a glowing green plasma circling his hand as he twisted the brass door knob. She heard a click and the door pushed open. Ben glanced around, then spotted her. He pulled a small box knife from his front pocket and knelt beside her.